Westfield Lacrosse Club Practice/Game Protocols during COVID (as of 1/12/23)
- Overall WLC Safety Protocols
- We ask that all members review all of the content on our website regarding Player Safety (under About Us) and COVID plans and protocols. The plan and the protocols outlined are established for WLC, Coach, Parent & Player and are subject to change.
- If you have any questions regarding this plan, please email the WLC Board at CovidWestfieldLacrosse@gmail.com.
- We ask that all parents, players and coaches familiarize themselves with current CDC regulations and any New Jersey guidelines published prior to the 2023 Spring Season.
- WLC Travel Policies --
- There are no current travel restrictions.
- WLC Suspected/Positive COVID-19 Infection Protocol
- The WLC will follow all current CDC and NJ Department of Health guidelines as it relates to COVID-19 close contacts, testing, participation and continuation of WLC sponsored activities. To the extent a player tests positive, the player should not resume participation for at least a period of ten (10) days after last exposure and being asymptomatic or until cleared by their physician to resume activities.
- Should a team member or coach be in close contact (or is notified by a public health official that they were a close contact) with a person who tests positive for COVID-19, the person shall be instructed to stay away from all WLC sponsored activities and remain asymptomatic. The person may return to WLC activities after five (5) days from the date of close contact if they obtain a negative PCR test result that was taken 5 days after the exposure to the COVID-19 positive individual. Any coach returning after being a close contact is to wear a face covering when in close contact with any WLC members for a period of five (5) days after the date of close contact.
- Should WLC become aware of a suspected/positive COVID-19 infection of one of its coaches or players within 48-hours following a game, WLC Protocol requires the most-recent opposing team to be notified of potential exposure.
- The Covid-19 Infection Protocols are subject to modification as CDC Guidance is changed.
- If you/participant are awaiting the results of a Covid-19 test, you should not attend any practice/event/game until you have received the results from any pending Covid-19 test(s).
- WLC Protocols on Face Mask Conduct
- Masks are encouraged for coaches, participants and parents/spectators if social distancing cannot be maintained (or where a facility so requires).
- WLC Field Protocols
- Home Games: Consistent with the State of New Jersey's guidelines and the Township of Westfield, spectators are permitted on Township Fields (Sid Fey/Houlihan) for Home Games. Masks are recommended to be worn if social distancing cannot be maintained.
- Away Games -- For away games WLC requires its coaches, players & spectators to abide by the protocols established by the away team. Masks are recommended to be worn if social distancing cannot be maintained.
- Practice/Game Day Procedures at All Fields:
- At all fields, players/parents/spectators should enter/exit field through designated entrance/exit.
- Players may bring their bags into the field of play area. Water bottles may be brought onto the field. If a player needs to bring a small bag to carry personal medical or other products to the field, the small bag may be brought onto the field of play to carry those items.
- Inside the field of play
- Currently, there are no limitations on how the players will setup on the field of play.
- There should be no spitting, sharing of water bottles or other activities that are against current CDC guidelines.