COVID Frequently Asked Questions
UPDATED: January 12, 2023
Per the NJ Public Health Recommendations for Youth Sports issued on June 13, 2022, the guidelines have changed. Additionally, please review to ascertain quarantine obligations and mask wearing status.
Below are the most commonly asked questions. If your question is not answered, please send an email to Thank you.
1. What are the WLC policies concerning face covering/masks?
Answer – Masks are not required unless social distancing on field of play or in spectator area cannot be maintained.
2. Who do I contact if I or my child/participant or my family develops symptoms or is diagnosed with Covid-19?
Answer – WLC asks that you notify your child/participant’s head coach and send an email to so that WLC can undertake the necessary and appropriate contact tracing. The email is password protected and only accessible by WLC Covid authorized board members.
3. If I am exposed to someone with Covid-19, when can I return to play?
Answer – If an unvaccinated individual is in close contact (or have been identified as a close contact by a public health official) with a person who tested positive for Covid-19, that player/coach must stay out of WLC activities for a period of ten (10) days and remain asymptomatic if the player/coach does not take a PCR test. If the player/coach family receives a negative PCR taken 5 days after being in close contact with a person who tested positive for Covid-19, the player may return to WLC activities after receipt of the negative PCR test. Per CDC, any coach should wear a mask until the completion of ten (10) days from exposure and remain symptom free.
If you test positive for Covid-19, you may not return to WLC activities until cleared by your physician. Close contact is defined by CDC as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated). You should also not go to a practice/event/game if you are awaiting the results of any pending Covid-19 test(s).
4. What are the WLC policies regarding traveling?
Answer – There are no travel restrictions at the present time.
5. Can I bring my child to practice/game/event without completing healthcheck?
Answer – Yes. However, by bringing your child to the practice/game/event, you are affirming to WLC, the Town of Westfield and all other members of WLC that your child/participant has not been exposed to Covid-19, is asymptomatic and is not awaiting test results.
6. Can the players bring their lacrosse/equipment bags to the fields?
Answer – Yes.
8. Are spectators permitted at WLC events? Yes.
Answer – Spectators are permitted on Township Fields (Sid Fey/Houlihan). With regard to Board of Education fields, parents/guardians are permitted per family.
Away Games -- For away games WLC requires its coaches, players & spectators to abide by the protocols established by the away team.
9. Where do the players get dropped off/picked up at Sid Fey/Houlihan?
Answer – Pickup and dropoff are at the Lamberts Mill Road Gate.
10. Where do the players get dropped off/picked up at Tamaques Elementary School?
Answer -- Players/parents/guardians are to lineup at the school parking lot and check in with their coach on the blacktop area above the fields. Pickup will be at blacktop area above the fields.
11. Where do the players get dropped off/picked up at Roosevelt Elementary School?
Answer -- Players/parents/guardians are to lineup at the school parking lot and check in with their coach at the field entrance. Pickup will be at the same gate location. We ask that parents not pickup up their kids by parking on the roadway so that we can control the players going onto and leaving the field of play.
12. Where do the players get dropped off/picked up at Kehler Field?
Answer -- Players/parents/guardians are to lineup at the large field entrance on Rahway Avenue and check in with their coach. Pickup will be at the same gate location.
13. Where do the players get dropped off/picked up at Ponderosa?
Answer – Players/parents/guardians are to lineup to enter the field at the main gate of the two fields.
14. Where do the players get dropped off/picked up at Elm Street?
Answer – Players/parents/guardians are to lineup to enter the field from the tennis court parking lot. Do not attempt to enter field from other entrances. Pickup will be at the same gate.